― Who We Are ―

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church is an open and inclusive Christian community, made up of disciples of Jesus who are seeking light and sharing love.  Our church is blessed to be a beautiful chapel amidst the cathedral of God’s creation.  Calling Lake Tahoe our home means that we daily discover the image of God in the world around us—the lake, the mountains, the pine trees, and all the life that resides in this corner of God’s kingdom.

We also know that we see Christ in the faces of one another, in both friend and stranger.  As disciples, which means “learners,” we are called to continue to be curious, to challenge ourselves, to dive deeper into what it actually means to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.  We believe all are beloved by God, including people of all races, creeds, ages, genders, abilities, sexual orientations, etc.  

All are valued.  All are holy.  All are welcome.

Download the Sunday bulletin below:

― service information ―

Worship Information
Sunday link below:

Join via Zoom:

or Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/tahoeepiscopal

Go to bcponline.org, use the Table of Contents tab on the left to find the page you want
OR download the BCP as a PDF by going to https://www.episcopalchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/book-of-common-prayer-2006.pdf

Today may the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always gently at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And may the rain fall softly upon your fields.
And until we gather together again
May God hold you always in the palm of His hand.
And now the blessing of God Almighty, Father,
Son, & Holy Spirit, protect and keep you always.

― irish blessing ―

― options for giving ―

St. Patrick's Donation
Please support us in our mission and ministry in seeking light and sharing love. You can mail your check for your pledge or general donation to the church (St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, 341 Village Blvd, Incline Village, NV 89451) or click the button below for PayPal or debit- or credit-card payment.